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Articles with Accounting Examples

How To Leverage Contracts for Prepaid and Accrual Accounting

Accounting teams frequently struggle with the efficient management of prepaids and accruals due to the complexities involved in tracking expenses across multiple accounting periods and ensuring precise financial reporting. Traditional methods for managing prepaids...

IFRS 16 Leases: Summary, Example, Journal Entries, and Disclosures

1. IFRS 16 summary IFRS 16 lessee lease classification What is considered a lease under IFRS 16? IFRS 16 lessor accounting How to calculate the right-of-use asset under IFRS 16 IFRS 16 right of use asset accounting 2. IFRS 16 finance lease example (lessee)...

Software Capitalization Rules under US GAAP and GASB

1. Software Capitalization Rules under FASB and GASB 2. Types of software Purchased software Internally-developed software Software as a Service (SaaS) 3. SummarySoftware Capitalization Rules under FASB and GASB The capitalization of software development costs was a...

Operating Lease Accounting under ASC 842 Explained with a Full Example

1. Operating lease treatment under ASC 842 vs. ASC 840: What changed? 2. Operating lease vs. finance lease identification under ASC 842 Transference of title/ownership to the lessee Purchase option Lease term for major part of the remaining economic life of the asset...

Sale-Leaseback Transactions and Accounting under ASC 842 Explained

1. What is a sale-leaseback transaction? 2. Why enter into a sale-leaseback transaction? What are the benefits of a sale-leaseback transaction? What are the disadvantages of a sale-leaseback transaction? 3. Examples of sale leasebacks 4. Identifying a sale-leaseback...

Asset Capitalization Explained with a Lease Example

1. What is capitalization in accounting? How assets are capitalized 2. Capitalized right-of-use asset example 1: Capital/Finance lease Classification test 3. Capitalized right-of-use asset example 2: Operating lease 4. SummaryTo understand capitalization, start with...

SFFAS 54: FASAB Lease Accounting Explained with a Full Example

1. What is SFFAS 54? 2. Effective date 3. Lease definition What is a lease? Embedded leases 4. Scope Short-term lease exemption Lessee recognition Lessor recognition Discount rate 5. Example 6. SummaryWhat is SFFAS 54? SFFAS 54 is the new lease accounting standard...

Accrued Rent Accounting under ASC 842 Explained

1. What is accrued rent? Accrued rent vs. deferred rent 2. Accounting for accrued rent with journal entries Accounting for accrued rent under ASC 840 Accounting for accrued rent and deferred rent under ASC 842 3. SummaryWhat is accrued rent? Accrued rent is a...

Initial Direct Costs under ASC 842 Explained: Summary, Full Example

1. What are initial direct costs? Definition of initial direct costs ASC 840 treatment of initial direct costs 2. Initial direct costs under ASC 842 What changed? Accounting treatment under ASC 842 3. Example: Initial direct costs under ASC 842 4. Summary 5. Related...

Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO) Accounting Example for Real Estate

An asset retirement obligation (ARO) represents the legal commitment to remove certain improvements or modifications to an asset at the end of the asset’s use. The FASB’s ASC 410 Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations (ASC 410) discusses accounting for AROs....

Capital Lease Impairments under GASB 87: Example, Journal Entries

1. Lease impairment indicators under GASB 42 2. Recording an impairment loss under GASB 87 Example: Recording a lease impairment under GASB 87 3. Summary 4. Related articlesUnder the legacy GASB lease accounting model only capital leases were presented on the...

Lease Amendment Accounting Explained: Expansion of Leased Premises

1. Accounting for amendments resulting in additional assets under ASC 840 Example: Accounting for amendments resulting in obtaining additional asset(s) under ASC 840 2. Accounting for amendments resulting in additional assets under ASC 842 Example: Accounting for...

GASB 87 Sale-Leaseback and Lease-Leaseback Accounting Transactions

1. Sale-leasebacks GASB 87 requirements Quantitative example Disclosure requirements 2. Lease-leasebacks GASB 87 requirements Quantitative example Disclosure requirements 3. Summary 4. Related articlesOrganizations often enter into either sale-leaseback or...

GASB 87 Disclosure Requirements for Lessees Explained with Examples

1. Qualitative disclosures 2. Quantitative disclosures Lease asset disclosure Lessee’s outflow of resources Lease liability disclosure and maturity analysis Future lease commitments Short-term leases: exempt Additional disclosures (if applicable) 3. Summary 4. Related...

Accounting for Loss from Equity Method Investments

1. Equity method 2. Loss from equity method investments Example of accounting for equity method losses in excess of investment 3. Summary 4. Related articlesThis article is part of a series of articles covering equity method accounting in accordance with ASC 323...

GASB 87 Lessor Accounting Example with Journal Entries

1. Lessee vs lessor accounting 2. Lessor accounting under GASB 87 An example of lessor accounting for a lease under GASB 87 3. GASB 87 RFP Template 4. Summary 5. Related articlesLessee vs lessor accounting Government entity lessees reporting under GASB are required to...

Leasehold Improvements Accounting and Amortization under US GAAP

1. Common examples 2. Accounting for leasehold improvements Amortization of leasehold improvements Example of leasehold improvement amortization 3. Leasehold improvements and AROs 4. Bonus depreciation and tax considerations for qualified LHIs Qualified improvement...

Sublease Accounting under ASC 840 and ASC 842

1. Accounting for a sublease under ASC 840 2. A comprehensive example of sublease accounting under ASC 840 Straight-line amortization schedule for the head lease Accounting for an operating sublease under ASC 840 3. Accounting for a sublease under ASC 842 4. A...

How to Calculate Interest Rate Implicit in the Lease for GASB 87

1. What is the implicit rate under GASB 87? Implicit rate: Understanding GASB 87 vs ASC 842 Example of calculating the rate implicit in the lease Validating the rate implicit in the lease 2. Summary 3. Related articlesUnder GASB Statement No. 87, Leases, the majority...

Interest Rate Implicit in the Lease under IFRS 16 Explained

1. What is the implicit interest rate under IFRS 16? Implicit rate: ASC 842 vs. IFRS 16 2. Example: Calculate the interest rate implicit in a lease under IFRS 16 3. Summary 4. Related articlesWhat is the implicit interest rate under IFRS 16? The rate implicit in the...

Rent Abatement and Rent-Free Period Accounting under US GAAP

1. What is rent abatement? 2. Accounting for rent abatement and rent-free periods under ASC 840 and ASC 842 example Example under ASC 840 Example under ASC 842 3. Summary 4. Related articlesFor a simple operating lease, calculating the straight-line rent expense...

Discount Rate Implicit in the Lease under ASC 842

1. What is the implicit rate under ASC 842? How to calculate the rate implicit in a lease under ASC 842 Example of calculating the rate implicit in a lease under ASC 842 Validating the calculated implicit rate If you are unable to calculate the implicit rate 2....

How to Account for Partial Lease Terminations

1. Is it a termination? 2. How to account for a termination Reassessing classification Remeasuring the lease liability Remeasuring the right-of-use asset 3. Partial termination accounting with example Approach 1: Proportionate change in the lease liability Approach 2:...

ASC 842 Disclosure Requirements: Example and Explanation

1. A focus on quantitative disclosures for lessees 2. Why software makes generating disclosures more accurate and efficient 3. Looking at quantitative disclosures in four “buckets” Lease costs Other information Weighted averages Maturity analysis 4. Related...

Lease Abandonment Accounting: Common Questions and a Full Example

Lease abandonment from the lessee’s perspective means precisely that the lessee is still paying for an asset they are no longer using. While the asset has in fact been abandoned by its initial renter, the landlord is still receiving payment for the property....

Lease Liability Amortization Schedule: How to Calculate It in Excel

1. What is lease liability? 2. How to create the lease amortization schedule and calculate your lease liability Create five-column spreadsheet Enter the number of periods and cash payments Enter expense formula Fill expense column Enter liability reduction formula...

GASB 87: Two Examples of How to Transition for Lessees

The new lease accounting standard for governmental organizations, GASB Statement No. 87, goes into effect for all reporting periods that begin subsequent to December 15, 2021. In 2019, GASB released an implementation guide to provide additional clarification on GASB...

GASB 13: A Comprehensive Example

Similar to the FASB and IASB, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board released guidance updating the accounting for lease agreements. GASB No. 87, Leases, is effective for applicable governmental entities for reporting periods that begin subsequent to December 15,...