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8000+ Supported Organizations

Rely on FinQuery to make intelligent business decisions for their largest areas of spend – all in one platform.

Hear how companies like yours are using the FinQuery platform

Chris Jacobson

Senior Accountant, BG Staffing

“One thing I love more about LeaseQuery than anything is your customer service. Your techs are amazing, on point, and know the material… Better customer service than I can imagine from anybody.”


Stephanie Parker

Senior Financial Analyst, Middleby

“LeaseQuery is just so easy to use. It’s easy to roll out. It makes our disclosures easier and the reports are easy to read – I’ve probably said easy five times – LeaseQuery definitely makes life a lot easier for me.”


Trista Land

CFO, PT Solutions

“LeaseQuery has taken what was a time-sucking, life-sucking process and turned it into the click of a button.”


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More than 8,000 companies in over 85 countries rely on FinQuery’s contract and spend intelligence platform to efficiently manage their largest areas of spend – leases, software subscriptions, and financial contracts – to make better business and financial decisions.