Preparing for Your First Audit after Transition to ASC 842
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GASB 87 Explained with a Full Example of the New Governmental Lease Accounting Standards
1. What is GASB 87? 2. GASB 87 vs. prior GASB guidance: Key differences GASB 87 lease classification What is considered a lease under GASB 87? 3. Key differences: GASB vs. FASB 4. Lessee vs. lessor accounting under GASB 87 5. Example: Accounting for a lease under GASB...
IFRS 16 Leases: Summary, Example, Journal Entries, and Disclosures
1. IFRS 16 summary IFRS 16 lessee lease classification What is considered a lease under IFRS 16? IFRS 16 lessor accounting How to calculate the right-of-use asset under IFRS 16 IFRS 16 right of use asset accounting 2. IFRS 16 finance lease example (lessee)...
Capital Lease Accounting and Finance Lease Accounting under ASC 842 Explained with a Full Example
1. What is a capital/finance lease? Finance lease vs. capital lease 2. Capital lease criteria under ASC 8403. Finance lease criteria under ASC 842 "Strong-form" vs. "weak-form" finance leases 4. Finance lease accounting example Determining finance lease vs. operating...