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Top 5 SaaS Management Challenges for IT &
How to Solve Them

Listen and learn as FinQuery Software Management experts take on the top challenges IT faces. Learn how to optimize costs and save time and resources by clicking on each button below.

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FinQuery Software Management can help your organization.

Uncover Hidden SaaS

Automatic discovery of SaaS apps
Automated notifications alert you about new applications
A complete and consistently up-to-date inventory of SaaS applications

Build a Completed Software Inventory

Tabular view of all software apps your organization is actively using provides complete visibility into all related information
Easily pull detailed information like owners, users, spend, and activity trends

Forecast Spend

View all details related to spend broken out by vendor, calendar, or department

Receive renewal notifications for each vendor


Identify how your vendors are getting paid


Receive Shadow IT notifications

Optimize SaaS Applications Using Data


Automated tracking of time spent and activities executed with an application


Back-end Intelligent App Categorization Tagging tracks overlapping solutions


Automated notifications for specific low-usage

Automate User Lifecycle Management


Provide employees with an easily-accessible library of pre-approved apps in the Software Catalog


Automate an employee’s on-boarding and off-boarding journey and utilize Browser Extensions to maintain an up-to-date, complete inventory of apps to ensure appropriate offboarding for terminated employees


Set up onboarding programs to easily provide employees access to necessary tech