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Fixed Asset Articles

Operating Expenses Explained: Types, Examples, Accounting, & More

1. What are operating expenses? 2. Operating expenses vs. capital expenditures 3. Types of operating expenses Cost of goods sold (COGS) Selling, general, and administrative expenses (SG&A) Depreciation and amortization Research and development (R&D) Notable...

Corporate Budgeting for Fixed Assets, Leases, and Software

Corporate budgeting is the process of creating a detailed financial plan for an organization. It typically includes forecasting revenues and expenses, to project profits, as well as setting targets and priorities for various departments or programs. It involves...

What Are Fixed Assets? Fixed Assets in Accounting Explained

1. What are fixed assets? 2. What are the three types of fixed assets? 3. What are some examples of fixed assets? 4. How do you account for fixed assets? 5. How do you calculate fixed assets? 6. What are the advantages of fixed assets? 7. What are the disadvantages of...

Asset Capitalization Explained with a Lease Example

1. What is capitalization in accounting? How assets are capitalized 2. Capitalized right-of-use asset example 1: Capital/Finance lease Classification test 3. Capitalized right-of-use asset example 2: Operating lease 4. SummaryTo understand capitalization, start with...