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Test your knowledge with our IFRS 16 lease accounting quiz

IFRS 16 delivered some of the most comprehensive accounting changes in decades, adding major complexities to lease accounting. Test your expertise with these 15 multiple-choice questions? The quiz will take approximately 15 minutes. Once your answers are submitted, your results will be emailed to you.

Sharing is also encouraged! Send this quiz link to your colleagues, business contacts, social media followers, and friends to test their lease accounting knowledge as well.

Check out some of our Free Tools:

Free Lease Accounting Software

Free Lease Accounting Software

Comply with confidence for up to nine leases under ASC 842 & IFRS 16.

Lease Asset Tracker

Lease Asset Tracker

Use this free tool to easily document your leases under ASC 842.

 Embedded Lease Test

Embedded Lease Test

Use this free tool to determine if your contract contains a lease.