LeaseQuery named #1 Lease Accounting Solution 3+ Years in a Row

LeaseQuery is #1 Again
on the G2 Grid for Lease Accounting Software

Capterra Reviews
G2 Reviews
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Software Connect Reviews

Stephanie Parker


“LeaseQuery is just so easy to use. It’s easy to roll out. It makes our disclosures easier and the reports are easy to read – I’ve probably said easy five times – LeaseQuery definitely makes life a lot easier for me.”


What Accountants Love About LeaseQuery

G2 Customers Love LeaseQuery

Bianca C

Extremely User Friendly and Resourceful Software for one of the Most Challenging Accounting Areas

LeaseQuery is super easy to dive into and use. The staff are great at providing resources and the site itself is very intuitive, with hundreds of resources and examples.

Accounting Admin

LeaseQuery makes consolidating and reporting leases easy!

The software is web-based so that it can be accessed anywhere and, with the single sign-on option, you can ensure that only those required to have access can use the software. They value customer feedback and are always seeking ways to improve the produce by incorporating suggestions from users.

Pat J

Growing tool adding features to help fill in gaps, been generally impressed

The growth/tool of the system initially was a little less intuitive, but they’ve added some features. It’s inexpensive and keeps improving.

Amy D

Easy to use software

LeaseQuery has been a great tool to house all of our lease data and generate the appropriate disclosures for SEC reporting. The reporting benefits are a huge time saver. Doing this manually would have taken so much more time and would leave more room for errors. We know the system is accurate and complete so we can rely on the reports produced from the system.

Accountant in Manufacturing

LQ has provided me and my team with prompt and precise support during our GAAP 842 transition

Quick and helpful response times from both the direct support teams and the accounting teams. I would suggest to engage in business with Lease Query software if you are looking to enhance your Lease Accounting capabilities.

Jeremiah C

Lease Query Delivers Excellent Customer Experience

The ability to generate journal entries and reports from the software has resulted in massive time savings for our team. We have access to data that we have not had in the past.

Customers Who Trust LeaseQuery

Complex Accounting Simplified